How to Choose a Company to Invest
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 | Labels: stock trading | |
There is the risk that the market will disintegrate. If this happened, it is likely that you would end up losing money.
There is the risk that you choose the wrong market to invest in. If this happened, your particular stock would cause you to lose money.
There is also the risk that you will be taken advantage of by a fraudster parading as a stock market expert. This can also cause you to lose a lot of money.
However, there are many things you can do to lower the risk you are taking when you invest in the stock market. These things may lower the risk enough that the investing will be worth it to you.
The first thing you should definitely do is some research on various companies that you are thinking about giving your money to in order to have them invest it for you. These companies generally will have more experience than you will in investing in the stock market and they can help you make wiser decisions that will result in more returns on your money.
However, the trick is in deciding that you can trust them as there are some companies that are pure scams. Most of the companies who can legally help you and who are trust worthy will be registered properly.
Go online and look up their history, policy, customer service promise, and whether or not they are properly registered. If you feel uncomfortable about anything you see or read, find another company to work with.
When you find a company you feel you can trust from everything you have discovered online, stop by to visit with the head manager or call and talk with him or her. However, before you call, make sure that you are prepared to say no if something comes up that you are uncomfortable with.
In addition, be prepared to deal with a sales man and his high-pressure tactics. If the company you call tries to force you into an immediate decision to invest with them, run away.
A salesman with ethics will understand that you need time to make a decision. Companies who try to force immediate decisions are trying to take advantage of you and they will not serve you, they will try to take your money.
If you do not have very much financial experience, it is particularly important to be cautious. Companies who work with finances everyday will be able to recognize potential customers who do not have any experience whatsoever.
As you do not have very much experience, you may feel talking to them is intimidating and overwhelming. However, ask questions and pursue understanding until you actually know what is going on with your money.
It can be very tempting to simply let the people you perceive to be financial professionals take care of it for you. This way you will protect your money and you will be more informed about what is going on with it.
Sometimes it can also be tempting to automatically trust someone with good manners. However, good manners do not mean that a person is honest.
Try to keep these two qualities completely separated in your mind. The best fraudsters are very polite and seem to be considerate.
Another thing you should watch out for is if the salesman is trying to scare you into investing. Fear is one of the most motivating factors when it comes to making a decision.
A very common thread of reasoning that they throw at you is that investing is a way to have a secure financial future. You already know this is not true, but if you begin to feel scared or greedy in relation to your investment, you may not make the best decision.
Another age group that should also be particularly cautious is the older generations. In particular, elderly women are the main target of fraudsters.
The best way to protect yourself is to talk to someone who is completely neutral to both your side and the company's side of the story. They will be able to take a step back with no emotions clouding their judgment and give you an honest idea of whether investing in this particular company is a good idea or not.